Difference between Transfer,
TransferPage and DoModalComponent
Transfer - The
PeopleCode ‘Transfer’ function is used for transferring the user from component
A to component B. All control is passed to component B; component A is closed
TransferPage() - ‘Transfer’
should not be confused with the ‘TransferPage’ function. The latter function is
only used to transfer from one page to another within the same component.
DoModalComponent() - This
is used to open a secondary component in a modal window while still keeping the
original component held in memory. The secondary component must be completed
and dismissed before the user can resume working in the original component.
‘Transfer’ on the other hand, works as a one-way street.
Challenges - The
‘Transfer’ function can be quite a challenge to get right, mainly due to three
things. Firstly, the function allows for a large number of parameters, so it is
easy to get the parameters in the wrong order, or miss out on one or more of
the parameters entirely. Secondly, some of the parameters are not what they
seem at first glance. Thirdly, even after crafting a perfect ‘Transfer’ statement,
you might find some or all of your users lack the correct security for the
target component.
Syntax – Mandatory Parameters
MENUNAME.menuname, BARNAME.barname, ITEMNAME.menu_itemname, PAGE.component_item_name,
action [, keylist] [, AutoSearch]);
Each of these
parameters will next be considered in turn:
Open New Browser Window
– this True/False value indicates whether a new browser window should be
opened. ‘True’ indicates that a new window should be opened while ‘False’ will
keep the target component in the current window.
Menu Name – the name of
the menu containing the target component.
Bar Name – a PeopleSoft
menu is divided into functional groups, typically called ‘Use’, ‘Process’ and
‘Setup’ (a hangover from the pre-Portal days when the menu played more of a
role). To work out the Bar Name, open the menu in App Designer and double-check
on the Bar Name at the top of the menu. You should see two pieces of
information: Name and Label. These are usually set to the same value, but in
case they aren’t, it is the ‘Name’ field that is required for the ‘Transfer’
Item Name – this one
can be confusing, especially for older components. In the majority of cases,
the Item Name is the same as the component name. However, strictly speaking,
the ‘Item Name’ is the name of the item as it appears on the menu. This
defaults to the component name, but can be changed in App Designer. To check
the correct Item Name, double-click on the menu item and make a note of the
Menu Item ‘Name’ field at the top of the properties window. In the example
below, the ‘Menu Item Name’ and the ‘Component Name’ are the same:
Page – similar to Item
Name, this is another one that can catch the unwary. In most cases, the Page
Name required for the ‘Transfer’ command is the usual name of the page object.
However, at the component level, it is possible to set a page ‘Item Name’ to a
different value from the object name. For the purposes of the ‘Transfer’
command, you must enter the ‘Item Name’ as it appears in the component. In the
following example, pages 1 and 5 have a different Item Name to the object page
Mode – this parameter
specifies the manner in which the target component should be opened. The value
of this parameter can be entered as a single letter (“A”) or as a Constant
Value (‘%Action_Add’). Typical values for the mode are A / ‘%Action_Add’, U /
‘%Action_UpdateDisplay’, and C / ‘%Action_Correction’. While setting this
parameter is straightforward enough, often users are caught out by security.
You might specify a ‘Transfer’ in correction mode, but when a particular user tries
to access the target component, you then discover that the user does not have
correction access to that component. In this case, an error message is
displayed. Therefore, user security should always be kept in mind when
specifying the ‘Mode’.
Transfer and
Finally – yes, we are
almost at the end – one other ‘quick’ about the ‘Transfer’ search is worth
mentioning. When the ‘Transfer’ attempts to do the search based on the passed
parameters, it will do a ‘LIKE’ search on all the string parameters. If
however, you prefer the system to do an exact match on the passed parameters,
which will always be quicker than a ‘LIKE’ search, then use the ‘TransferExact’
function instead. As long as you have provided the function with all the
necessary values, ‘TransferExact’ will deliver a faster response time.