Oracle Active Data Guard in PeopleSoft with Oracle 19c DML Redirection

 Active Data Guard is a configuration option that became available in Oracle 11g where a standby database is maintained as a synchronised physical replica of the primary database and is also open for read-only SQL queries.

PeopleSoft added configuration to direct certain read-only components and processes to an ADG standby using secondary connections in the application servers and process schedulers.  However, in PeopleSoft, all scheduled processes update at least the process scheduler request tables, even if they make no updates to application tables.  This cannot be done on a read-only standby database and must be directed back to the primary database.

PeopleBooks sets out a method for Implementing Active Data Guard (this link is to the PeopleTools 8.58 documentation).  It uses a second schema to which PeopleSoft application servers and process schedulers connect using a second access profile.  The second schema contains synonyms for each table and view that either point to the corresponding object in the original schema on the ADG standby, or if the object is going to be updated by the application then via database links to the corresponding object in the primary database.  This approach requires knowledge of which tables are updated during otherwise read-only processing, a lot of scripting to generate all the synonyms and grants, and ongoing maintenances as new objects are added to the database.

However, that approach is rendered obsolete by Active Data Guard DML redirection, a new feature in 19c.  This post explains how to configure PeopleSoft to make use of Active Data Guard on Oracle 19c with DML redirect.

With DML redirection enabled, updates on the secondary database are automatically redirected back to the primary database via a SQL*Net connection between the databases (not unlike a database link), and then they will be replicated back to the standby database like any other change.  PeopleSoft no longer needs to be configured specially to handle updated tables differently.  Consequently, the PeopleSoft ADG configuration is massively simplified.

Processes no longer have to be strictly read-only to run on the ADG database.  If there are only a small quantity of updates the redirect can handle it.

Database Initialisation Parameters

The parameter ADG_REDIRECT_DML should be set to true on both the primary and active data guard standby databases.

PeopleSoft Connection Configuration

A second row must be added to PS.PSDBOWNER to map the TNS name of the standby database to the database owner ID, in this case SYSADM.
SQL>select * from ps.psdbowner;

-------- --------

Application Server Configuration

To facilitate read-only components in the PIA (such as the query manager) redirecting to the standby database, all Application Server domains should still be configured to connect to both the primary database and the standby database, as described in the PeopleSoft documentation
; Database Signon settings

Process Scheduler Configuration

The approach for Process Schedulers is slightly different.

Application Engine Limitation in Active Data Guard

It is a documented limitation of Application Engine that only PSAESRV Application Engine server processes can connect via the second connection to the standby database.  If a standalone PSAE process attempts this the connection will fail.  
  • Oracle Support Note: E-AE: Application Engine Process Might Stay in Initiated Status if PSAESRV Disabled on PeopleSoft ADG Enabled Environment (Doc ID 1641764.1)
    • This was raised as Bug 18482301: PSAE may stay in initiated status on ADG configured environment.  It was closed as 'not a bug'.
  • Using Two Temporary Tablespace in PeopleSoft.
Error in sign on
 Database Type: 7 (ORACLE)
 Database Name: HCM91
 Server Name: 
 ConnectID: people
 Process Instance: 0
 Reason: Invalid user ID or password for database signon. (id=)
 Note: Attempt to authenticate using GUID 6a1ced41-2fe0-11e2-9183-be3e31d6e740
Invalid command line argument list.
 process command line: -CT ORACLE -CD HCM91 -GUID 6a1ced41-2fe0-11e2-9183-be3e31d6e740 -SS NO -SN NO 
 GUID command line : -CT ORACLE -CD HCM91 -CO "PS" -CP Unavailable -R 1 -I 852 -AI AEMINITEST -OT 6 -FP 
"C:\app\pt\appserv\prcs\HCM91PSNT\log_output\AE_AEMINITEST_852\" -OF 1
To continue to use stand-alone PSAE processes, as recommended in the PeopleTools Performance Guidelines Red Paper (Doc ID: 747389.1), it is necessary to configure separate process schedulers that connect only to the Active Data Guard standby database, and processes will need to be redirected appropriately by process categories to these schedulers.

System Settings

Process Categories can be used to restrict certain processes to certain processes schedulers.  In the Process Scheduler System Settings component, create a new category ADGOnly.
Process Scheduler Process Category Admin

New Process Schedulers for ADG

New process schedulers should be created for running ADG only jobs.  They will only be connected to the standby database.  The standby connection should be left blank.  All of the SQL updates made by the Process Scheduler processes will be handled by DML redirection.  You will need to have at least 2 so they do not become a single point of failure.
; Database Signon settings
These schedulers will ONLY run:
  • Processes in the new ADGOnly process category.  
  • A single LOADCACHE category process will be permitted.
  • The max concurrence of all other categories will be 0.
  • Other process types such as SQR might be needed if they are to be run on the ADG standby
They should not run master process scheduler processes. This process should only run schedulers connected to the primary database.
ADG Process Scheduler Configuration

Existing Process Schedulers

All process categories apply to all process schedulers.  The concurrency of the ADG category should be set to 0 on all other process schedulers to prevent it from running there.  These schedulers will remain connected to the primary database only.  They will not be connected to the secondary database.
; Database Signon settings

Process Definition

Normally, the processes that are to be run on ADG should be marked read-only and then they will be scheduled using the secondary connection.    However, Application Engine cannot be run in standalone PSAE mode via the second connection.  So, the ADG process schedulers are configured to connect directly to the ADG database via the primary connection.  Thus, the read-only flag has no effect.  Instead, all read-only processes should be moved to the ADGOnly category.

Configuration by SQL

It may be easier to update the process scheduler configuration by SQL
  • ADGOnly concurrency will be 0, or it will be the maximum API aware concurrency on ADG process schedulers.
  • PSQUERY, any read-only processes, and any processes in ADGOnly category, will all be marked as being both read-only and in the ADGOnly category.
update pslock 
set version = version + 1
where objecttypename IN('SYS','PPC')
update psversion
set version = version + 1
where objecttypename IN('SYS','PPC')
update  ps_servercategory c 
set     maxconcurrent = CASE WHEN servername like 'PSUNX_A%' 
                             THEN (SELECT s.maxapiaware FROM ps_serverdefn s 
                                   WHERE  s.servername = c.servername)
                             ELSE 0 END
where   prcscategory = 'ADGOnly'
update ps_serverdefn
set    version = (SELECT version from psversion where objecttypename = 'PPC')
,      lastupddttm = systimestamp
update ps_prcsdefn 
set    version = (SELECT version from psversion where objecttypename = 'PPC')
,      prcsreadonly = 1
,      prcscategory = 'ADGOnly'
,      lastupddttm = systimestamp
where  prcsreadonly = 1
or     prcscategory = 'ADGOnly'
or     prcsname = 'PSQUERY'
select prcstype, prcsname, prcscategory, prcsreadonly
from   ps_prcsdefn
where  prcsreadonly = 1
or     prcscategory = 'ADGOnly'
or     prcsname = 'PSQUERY'
select * from ps_servercategory
where prcscategory IN('ADGOnly')
order by 2,1

Sample Output

PSOFT-FINADG>Select prcstype, prcsname, prcscategory, prcsreadonly
  2  From   ps_prcsdefn
  3  where  prcsreadonly = 1
  4  or     prcscategory = 'ADGOnly'
  5  or     prcsname = 'PSQUERY'
  6  /

PRCSTYPE                       PRCSNAME     PRCSCATEGORY                   P
------------------------------ ------------ ------------------------------ -
Application Engine             AEMINITEST   ADGOnly                        1
COBOL SQL                      PTPDBTST     ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     PTSQRTST     ADGOnly                        1
Application Engine             FB_GEN_EXTR  ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFWIN       ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     SWPAUDIT     ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     SYSAUDIT     ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFAPFL      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFAEPL      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFPGDZ      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     DDDAUDIT     ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFEVPC      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFFLPC      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFFLPN      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFFLRC      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFIELDS     ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFMENU      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFPANEL     ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFPCFL      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFPNPC      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFRCFL      ADGOnly                        1
SQR Report                     XRFRCPN      ADGOnly                        1
Application Engine             PSQUERY      ADGOnly                        1
Application Engine             PSCONQRS     ADGOnly                        1

SYSADM-FINADG>select * from ps_servercategory
  2  where prcscategory IN('ADGOnly')
  3  order by 2,1
  4  /

-------- ------------------------------ - -------------
PSNT     ADGOnly                        5             0
PSUNX    ADGOnly                        5             0
PSUNX_A1 ADGOnly                        5             5

PSQUERY Application Engine Amendment

If you have PS/Queries that reference a remote database via a database link then you may experience errors when you run them via the scheduled Application Engine process PSQUERY on an ADG database.
Using a database link, even if only for a query, starts a database transaction, and then you can't get DML redirect to work because it also starts a transaction.  However, if you already have a transaction open through DML redirect you can't start the transaction associated with the database link.  The two transactions become mutually exclusive.
PeopleTools 8.58.07 - Application Engine
Copyright (c) 1988-2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All Rights Reserved

PeopleTools SQL Trace value: 159 (0x9f): /cs/psoft/cfg/FINPRD/appserv/prcs/FINPRDA1/log_output/AE_PSQUERY_xxxxxxxx/AE_PSQUERY_xxxxxxxx.trc
PeopleTools PeopleCode Trace value: 64 (0x40): /cs/psoft/cfg/FINPRD/appserv/prcs/FINPRDA1/log_output/AE_PSQUERY_xxxxxxxx/AE_PSQUERY_xxxxxxxx.trc

File: /vob/peopletools/src/pssys/qpm.cppSQL error. Stmt #: 8495  Error Position: 3055  Return: 16000 - ORA-16000: database or pluggable database open for read-only access 
Failed SQL stmt: SELECT …
<a query that references a remote database via a database link>Error in running query because of SQL Error, Code=16000, Message=ORA-16000: database or pluggable database open for read-only access  (50,380)

PeopleCode Exit(1) Abort invoked by Application at PSQUERY.MAIN.ExecQry. (108,543)

Process xxxxxxxx ABENDED at Step PSQUERY.MAIN.ExecQry (PeopleCode) -- RC = 16 (108,524)

Process %s ABENDED at Step %s.%s.%s (Action %s) -- RC = %s
So we need to close the transactions by making the PSQUERY application engine commit.  Application Engine steps explicitly commit after each step.  I have added an extra step added that does nothing, but Application Engine issues a commit

Disable Query Statistics

I have found that query statistics can cause a problem when the query is run on ADG.
PeopleTools 8.58.07 - Application Engine
Copyright (c) 1988-2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All Rights Reserved

PeopleTools SQL Trace value: 159 (0x9f): /cs/psoft/cfg/FINPRD/appserv/prcs/FINPRDA2/log_output/AE_PSQUERY_19356674/AE_PSQUERY_19356674.trc

File: /vob/peopletools/src/pssys/qdmutil.cppSQL error. Stmt #: 4608  Error Position: 91  Return: 16397 - ORA-16397: statement redirection from Oracle Active Data Guard standby database to primary database failed 
Application Engine program PSQUERY ended normally
They can be disabled in the PIA
  • Navigate to: PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Query Administration, 
  • Go to the last tab (Settings), 
  • Uncheck Run Query Statistics.

Enable Query Execution Logging

Query stats (logged in the table PSQRYSTATS) are not particularly useful as they only compute average metrics over a period that is not defined.  Instead, query execution logging (to the table PSQRYEXECLOG) is far more useful for performance analysis because you know who ran the query when it ran, and how many rows it retrieved.  It is enabled for individual queries.  It can be enabled across the board with the following SQL.
update pslock
set version = version + 1
where objecttypename IN('SYS','QDM')
update psversion
set version = version + 1
where objecttypename IN('SYS','QDM')
update psqrydefn
set    version = (SELECT version from psversion where objecttypename = 'QDM')
,      execlogging = 'Y'
,      lastupddttm = systimestamp
where  execlogging != 'Y'

Administrative User Accounts Provided by Oracle Database

UsernamePasswordDescriptionSee Also



The Oracle Text account

Oracle Text Reference



The account used by the Management Agent component of Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage the database

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic Configuration



The schema used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router data

Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference



The Oracle Spatial and Oracle interMedia Locator administrator account

Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference



The data mining account. DMSYS performs data mining operations.

Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide

Oracle Data Mining Concepts



The account used to create OLAP metadata structures. This account owns the OLAP Catalog (CWMLite).

Oracle OLAP Application Developer's Guide



The Oracle interMedia user. Plugins supplied by Oracle and third party format plugins are installed in this schema.

Oracle interMedia User's Guide



The Oracle interMedia administrator account

Oracle interMedia User's Guide



The account that supports plan stability. Plan stability enables you to maintain the same execution plans for the same SQL statements. OUTLN acts as a role to centrally manage metadata associated with stored outlines.

Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide



The account that stores the information views for the SQL/MM Still Image Standard

Oracle interMedia User's Guide



The account used to perform database administration tasks

"About Administrative Accounts"



The account used to perform Oracle Enterprise Manager database administration tasks. Note that SYS and SYSTEM can also perform these tasks.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic Configuration



Another account used to perform database administration tasks

"About Administrative Accounts"

Sample Schemas

Most of the included accounts are administrative accounts, but Sample Schema accounts are also present. The Oracle Database Sample Schemas are a set of interlinked schemas that enable Oracle documentation, and Oracle by Example Series, to illustrate common database tasks:

  • The human resources (hr) schema is useful for introducing basic topics. An extension to this schema supports Oracle Internet Directory demos.

  • The order entry (oe) schema is useful for dealing with matters of intermediate complexity. Many datatypes are available in this schema, including nonscalar datatypes.

  • The online catalog (oc) subschema is a collection of object-relational database objects built inside the oe schema.

  • The product media (pm) schema is dedicated to multimedia datatypes.

  • The information exchange (ix) schemas demonstrate Oracle Advanced Queuing capabilities.

  • The sales history (sh) schema is designed for demos with large amounts of data. An extension to this schema provides support for advanced analytic processing.

Privileges and Roles:-
Privilege or RoleDescriptionExamples

System privilege

An Oracle-defined privilege usually granted only to and by administrators. System privileges enable users to perform specific database operations.

The following are examples of system privileges that can be granted to users:

  • CREATE TABLE allows grantee to create tables in the grantee's schema.

  • CREATE USER allows grantee to create users in the database.

  • CREATE SESSION allows grantee to connect to an Oracle database to create a user session.

Object privilege

A privilege that controls access to a specific object.

The following examples are object privileges that can be granted to users:

  • SELECT ON hr.employees TO myuser

  • INSERT ON hr.employees TO myuser


A group of privileges or other roles

The following examples are Oracle-defined roles:

  • CONNECT is a role that Enterprise Manager automatically grants to a user when you create a user as shown in "Creating Users". This role has the CREATE SESSION privilege.

  • RESOURCE extends the privileges of a user beyond those granted by the CONNECT role. It includes CREATE PROCEDURECREATE TRIGGER, and other system privileges.

  • DBA is the standard role that can be granted by an administrator to another administrator. It includes all system privileges and should only be granted to the most trusted and qualified of users. Assigning this role to a user enables the user to administer the database.

You can create your own roles if you have been granted this privilege. 

About Administrative Accounts

The following administrative accounts are automatically created when Oracle Database is installed:


When you create an Oracle database, the user SYS is automatically created and granted the DBA role.

All base tables and views for the database data dictionary are stored in the schema SYS. These base tables and views are critical for the operation of Oracle Database. To maintain the integrity of the data dictionary, tables in the SYS schema are manipulated only by the database. They should never be modified by any user or database administrator. Also, you should not create any tables in the schema of user SYS, although you can change the storage parameters of the data dictionary settings if necessary.

Ensure that most database users are never able to connect to Oracle Database with the SYS account.


When you create an Oracle Database, the user SYSTEM is also automatically created and granted the DBA role.

The SYSTEM user can create additional tables and views that display administrative information as well as internal tables and views used by various Oracle Database options and tools. Never use the SYSTEM schema to store tables of interest to nonadministrative users.

A predefined DBA role is automatically created with every Oracle Database installation. This role contains most database system privileges. Therefore, you should grant the DBA role only to actual database administrators. The DBA role does not include the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privileges.

Administrative Privileges

SYSDBA and SYSOPER are administrative privileges required to perform basic database operations such as creating the database and instance startup and shutdown. Depending upon the level of authorization you require, you must have one of these privileges granted to you.


The SYSDBA and SYSOPER system privileges allow access to a database instance even when the database is not open. Control of these privileges is totally outside of the database itself.

You can also think of the SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges as types of connections that enable you to perform certain database operations for which privileges cannot be granted in any other way. For example, if you have the SYSDBA privilege, then you can connect to the database by specifying CONNECT AS SYSDBA.

APPDEV Privileges



Enables user to create tables in his schema.


Enables user to create views in his schema.


Enables user to create procedures in his schema.


Enables user to create triggers in his schema.


Enables user to create sequences in his schema.


Enables user to create synonyms in his schema.

To modify the APPDEV role:

  1. In the Users & Privileges section of the Administration home page, click Roles.

    The Roles page appears.

  2. From the list of roles, select APPDEV and click Edit.

  3. Click System Privileges to navigate to the System Privileges property page.

    The System Privilege column should display no items.

  4. Click Edit List.

    The Modify System Privileges page appears.

  5. In the Available System Privileges list, double-click the privileges listed in Table 7-3 to add them to the Selected System Privileges list.

  6. Click OK.

    You are returned to the Edit Role: APPDEV page.

  7. Click Apply.

    A confirmation message should appear saying that the role has been modified successfully.

Dropping Roles

In this exercise, you drop to the APPDEV role that you created in "Dropping Roles".

To drop the APPDEV role:

  1. In the Users & Privileges section of the Administration home page, click Roles.

    The Roles page appears.

  2. Select the APPDEV role and click Delete.

    A confirmation page appears.

  3. Click Yes.

    A confirmation message indicates that the role has been deleted successfully.

Administering Profiles

A user profile establishes the password management policy for a user and sets limits the user's access to certain database resources. When you create the user in "Creating Users", you assign the Oracle-supplied default profile. This default profile is liberal in its resource specifications and does not provide tight restrictions on password usage.

To display the attributes of the default profile:

  1. In the Users & Privileges section of the Administration home page, click Profiles.

    The Profiles page appears. On this page you can create, edit, view, or delete profiles. The structure and functionality of the Profiles page is similar to that of the Users page shown in Figure 7-2.

  2. Select the DEFAULT profile and click View.

    The View page appears. In this page you can view all of the attributes associated with the DEFAULT profile.

Database resource usage and limits are managed by the Database Resource Manager. You can read about the Database Resource manager in online Help and view its pages when you click the links in the Resource Manager section of the Database Administration page.

Creating Secure Application Roles to Control Access to Applications

A secure application role is a role that is only enabled through its associated PL/SQL package or procedure. This package defines the policy needed to control access to an application.

Step 1: Create the Secure Application Role

You create a secure application role by using the SQL statement CREATE ROLE with the IDENTIFIED USING clause. You must have the CREATE ROLE system privilege to execute this statement.

For example, to create a secure application role called hr_admin that is associated with the sec_mgr.hr_admin package, follow these steps:

Create the security application role as follows:

CREATE ROLE hr_admin IDENTIFIED USING sec_mgr.hr_admin_role_check;

This statement indicates the following:

The role hr_admin to be created is a secure application role.

Grant the security application role the privileges you would normally associate with this role.

For example, to grant the hr_admin role SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on the HR.EMPLOYEES table, you enter the following statement:


Do not grant the role directly to the user. The PL/SQL procedure or package does that for you, assuming the user passes its security policies.

Step 2: Create a PL/SQL Package to Define the Access Policy for the Application
To enable or disable the secure application role, you create the security policies of the role within a PL/SQL package. You also can create an individual procedure to do this, but a package lets you group a set of procedures together. This lets you group a set of policies that, used together, present a solid security strategy to protect your applications. For users (or potential intruders) who fail the security policies, you can add auditing checks to the package to record the failure. Typically, you create this package in the schema of the security administrator.

The package or procedure must accomplish the following:

It must use invoker's rights to enable the role.To create the package using invoker's rights, you must set the AUTHID property to CURRENT_USER. You cannot create the package by using definer's rights.
It must issue a SET ROLE SQL statement or DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE procedure when the user passes the security checks. Because you create the package using invoker's rights, you must set the role by issuing the SET ROLE SQL statement or the DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE procedure. (However, you cannot use the SET ROLE ALL statement for this type of role enablement.) The PL/SQL embedded SQL syntax does not support the SET ROLE statement, but you can invoke SET ROLE by using dynamic SQL (for example, with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE).

Because of the way that you must create this package or procedure, you cannot use a logon trigger to enable or disable a secure application role. Instead, invoke the package directly from the application when the user logs in, before the user must use the privileges granted by the secure application role.

For example, suppose you wanted to restrict anyone using the hr_admin role to employees who are on site (that is, using certain terminals) and between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. As the system or security administrator, follow these steps. (You can copy and paste this text by positioning the cursor at the start of CREATE OR REPLACE in the first line.)

Create the procedure as follows:

  IF (SYS_CONTEXT ('userenv','ip_address') 
    BETWEEN '' and ''

In this example:
AUTHID CURRENT_USER sets the AUTHID property to CURRENT_USER so that invoker's rights can be used.
IF (SYS_CONTEXT ('userenv','ip_address') validates the user by using the SYS_CONTEXT SQL function to retrieve the user session information.
BETWEEN ... TO_CHAR ceates a test to grant or deny access. The test restricts access to users who are on site (that is, using certain terminals) and working between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If the user passes this check, the hr_admin role is granted.
THEN... EXECUTE grants the role to the user by issuing the SET ROLE statement using the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command.
Grant EXECUTE permissions for the hr_admin_role_check procedure to any user who was assigned it.
For example:
GRANT EXECUTE ON hr_admin_role_check TO psmith;
To test the secure application role, log in to SQL*Plus as the user, try to enable the role, and then try to perform an action that requires the privileges the role grants.
For example:
Enter password: password
EXECUTE sec_admin.hr_admin_role_check;
-- Actions requiring privileges granted by the role

Example of Reading Passwords in Java

 // Change the following line to a name for your version of this package

package passwords.sysman.emSDK.util.signing;

import java.util.Arrays;
 * The static readPassword method in this class issues a password prompt
 * on the console output and returns the char array password
 * entered by the user on the console input.
public final class ReadPassword {
   * Test driver for readPassword method.
   * @param args the command line args
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    char[] pass = ReadPassword.readPassword("Enter password: ");
    System.out.println("The password just entered is \""
      + new String(pass) + "\"");
    System.out.println("The password length is " + pass.length);
   * Issues a password prompt on the console output and returns
   * the char array password entered by the user on the console input.
   * The password is not displayed on the console (chars are not echoed).
   * As soon as the returned char array is not needed,
   * it should be erased for security reasons (Arrays.fill(charArr, ' '));
   * A password should never be stored as a java String.
   * Note that Java 6 has a Console class with a readPassword method,
   * but there is no equivalent in Java 5 or Java 1.4.
   * The readPassword method here is based on Sun's suggestions at
   * @param prompt the password prompt to issue
   * @return new char array containing the password
   * @throws RuntimeException if some error occurs
  public static final char[] readPassword(String prompt)
  throws RuntimeException {
    try {
      StreamMasker masker = new StreamMasker(System.out, prompt);
      Thread threadMasking = new Thread(masker);
      int firstByte = -1;
      PushbackInputStream inStream = null;
      try {
        inStream = new PushbackInputStream(;
        firstByte =;
      } finally {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Interrupt occurred when reading password");
      if (firstByte == -1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Console input ended unexpectedly");
      if (System.out.checkError()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Console password prompt output error");
      return readLineSecure(inStream);
    catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("I/O error occurred when reading password");
   * Reads one line from an input stream into a char array in a secure way
   * suitable for reading a password.
   * The char array will never contain a '\n' or '\r'.
   * @param inStream the pushback input stream
   * @return line as a char array, not including end-of-line-chars;
   *  never null, but may be zero length array
   * @throws RuntimeException if some error occurs
  private static final char[] readLineSecure(PushbackInputStream inStream)
  throws RuntimeException {
    if (inStream == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("readLineSecure inStream is null");
    try {
      char[] buffer = null;
      try {
        buffer = new char[128];
        int offset = 0;
        // EOL is '\n' (unix), '\r\n' (windows), '\r' (mac)
        while (true) {
          int c =;
          switch (c) {
          case -1:
          case '\n':
            break loop;
          case '\r':
            int c2 =;
            if ((c2 != '\n') && (c2 != -1))
            break loop;
            buffer = checkBuffer(buffer, offset);
            buffer[offset++] = (char) c;
        char[] result = new char[offset];
        System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, result, 0, offset);
        return result;
      finally {
        if (buffer != null)
          Arrays.fill(buffer, ' ');
    catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("I/O error occurred when reading password");
   * This is a helper method for readLineSecure.
   * @param buffer the current char buffer
   * @param offset the current position in the buffer
   * @return the current buffer if it is not yet full;
   *  otherwise return a larger buffer initialized with a copy
   *  of the current buffer and then erase the current buffer
   * @throws RuntimeException if some error occurs
  private static final char[] checkBuffer(char[] buffer, int offset)
  throws RuntimeException
    if (buffer == null)
      throw new RuntimeException("checkBuffer buffer is null");
    if (offset < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("checkBuffer offset is negative");
    if (offset < buffer.length)
      return buffer;
    else {
      try {
        char[] bufferNew = new char[offset + 128];
        System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, bufferNew, 0, buffer.length);
        return bufferNew;
      } finally {
        Arrays.fill(buffer, ' ');
   * This private class prints a one line prompt
   * and erases reply chars echoed to the console.
  private static final class StreamMasker
  extends Thread {
    private static final String BLANKS = StreamMasker.repeatChars(' ', 10);
    private String m_promptOverwrite;
    private String m_setCursorToStart;
    private PrintStream m_out;
    private volatile boolean m_doMasking;
     * Constructor.
     * @throws RuntimeException if some error occurs
    public StreamMasker(PrintStream outPrint, String prompt)
    throws RuntimeException {
      if (outPrint == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("StreamMasker outPrint is null");
      if (prompt == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("StreamMasker prompt is null");
      if (prompt.indexOf('\r') != -1)
        throw new RuntimeException("StreamMasker prompt contains a CR");
      if (prompt.indexOf('\n') != -1)
        throw new RuntimeException("StreamMasker prompt contains a NL");
      m_out = outPrint;
      m_setCursorToStart = StreamMasker.repeatChars('\010',
        prompt.length() + BLANKS.length());
      m_promptOverwrite = m_setCursorToStart + prompt + BLANKS
        + m_setCursorToStart + prompt;
     * Begin masking until asked to stop.
     * @throws RuntimeException if some error occurs
    public void run()
    throws RuntimeException {
      int priorityOriginal = Thread.currentThread().getPriority();
      try {
        m_doMasking = true;
        while (m_doMasking) {
          if (m_out.checkError())
            throw new RuntimeException("Console output error writing prompt");
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
      } finally {
     * Instructs the thread to stop masking.
    public void stopMasking() {
      m_doMasking = false;
     * Returns a repeated char string.
     * @param c the char to repeat
     * @param length the number of times to repeat the char
     * @throws RuntimeException if some error occurs
    private static String repeatChars(char c, int length)
    throws RuntimeException {
      if (length < 0)
        throw new RuntimeException("repeatChars length is negative");
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(length);
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      return sb.toString();

Tips: Comparing Trace Files

 Trace files can give a lot of nice troubleshooting information, sometimes too much.  Sometimes, you may have a situation where a problem occurs in one system but not in another.  You could run a trace in both systems, but comparing those trace files is difficult.  Each line has a timestamp, which will be different in each file.

Here is a trick for getting rid of those timestamps.  Here is the source:

Of course, you need Linux, Unix, or Cygwin for this — something with the sed program.  Here is the command:

sed 's/^.\{51\}//g' "mytrace.tracesql" > modtrace.tracesql

For example, here are the first few lines of a trace file:

PSAPPSRV.248 (181)   1-1      10.24.26             Cur#1.248.FSDEV90 RC=0 Dur=0.001000 COM Stmt=SELECT VERSION FROM PSVERSION WHERE OBJECTTYPENAME = 'SYS'
PSAPPSRV.248 (181)   1-3      10.24.26    0.000000 Cur#1.248.FSDEV90 RC=0 Dur=0.000000 Bind-1 type=8 length=4 value=214748355

After running the command, here is what it looks like:

Cur#1.248.FSDEV90 RC=0 Dur=0.000000 Bind-1 type=8 length=4 value=214748355

Now, you can use a tool like Beyond Compare or Meld to compare the trace files without the timestamp. 

PeopleCode to retrieve Google map between two addresses

  PeopleCode Example: /* Define constants for the API request */ Local string &origin = "123 Main St, Anytown, USA";   /* ...