Creating Secure Application Roles to Control Access to Applications

A secure application role is a role that is only enabled through its associated PL/SQL package or procedure. This package defines the policy needed to control access to an application.

Step 1: Create the Secure Application Role

You create a secure application role by using the SQL statement CREATE ROLE with the IDENTIFIED USING clause. You must have the CREATE ROLE system privilege to execute this statement.

For example, to create a secure application role called hr_admin that is associated with the sec_mgr.hr_admin package, follow these steps:

Create the security application role as follows:

CREATE ROLE hr_admin IDENTIFIED USING sec_mgr.hr_admin_role_check;

This statement indicates the following:

The role hr_admin to be created is a secure application role.

Grant the security application role the privileges you would normally associate with this role.

For example, to grant the hr_admin role SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on the HR.EMPLOYEES table, you enter the following statement:


Do not grant the role directly to the user. The PL/SQL procedure or package does that for you, assuming the user passes its security policies.

Step 2: Create a PL/SQL Package to Define the Access Policy for the Application
To enable or disable the secure application role, you create the security policies of the role within a PL/SQL package. You also can create an individual procedure to do this, but a package lets you group a set of procedures together. This lets you group a set of policies that, used together, present a solid security strategy to protect your applications. For users (or potential intruders) who fail the security policies, you can add auditing checks to the package to record the failure. Typically, you create this package in the schema of the security administrator.

The package or procedure must accomplish the following:

It must use invoker's rights to enable the role.To create the package using invoker's rights, you must set the AUTHID property to CURRENT_USER. You cannot create the package by using definer's rights.
It must issue a SET ROLE SQL statement or DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE procedure when the user passes the security checks. Because you create the package using invoker's rights, you must set the role by issuing the SET ROLE SQL statement or the DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE procedure. (However, you cannot use the SET ROLE ALL statement for this type of role enablement.) The PL/SQL embedded SQL syntax does not support the SET ROLE statement, but you can invoke SET ROLE by using dynamic SQL (for example, with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE).

Because of the way that you must create this package or procedure, you cannot use a logon trigger to enable or disable a secure application role. Instead, invoke the package directly from the application when the user logs in, before the user must use the privileges granted by the secure application role.

For example, suppose you wanted to restrict anyone using the hr_admin role to employees who are on site (that is, using certain terminals) and between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. As the system or security administrator, follow these steps. (You can copy and paste this text by positioning the cursor at the start of CREATE OR REPLACE in the first line.)

Create the procedure as follows:

  IF (SYS_CONTEXT ('userenv','ip_address') 
    BETWEEN '' and ''

In this example:
AUTHID CURRENT_USER sets the AUTHID property to CURRENT_USER so that invoker's rights can be used.
IF (SYS_CONTEXT ('userenv','ip_address') validates the user by using the SYS_CONTEXT SQL function to retrieve the user session information.
BETWEEN ... TO_CHAR ceates a test to grant or deny access. The test restricts access to users who are on site (that is, using certain terminals) and working between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If the user passes this check, the hr_admin role is granted.
THEN... EXECUTE grants the role to the user by issuing the SET ROLE statement using the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command.
Grant EXECUTE permissions for the hr_admin_role_check procedure to any user who was assigned it.
For example:
GRANT EXECUTE ON hr_admin_role_check TO psmith;
To test the secure application role, log in to SQL*Plus as the user, try to enable the role, and then try to perform an action that requires the privileges the role grants.
For example:
Enter password: password
EXECUTE sec_admin.hr_admin_role_check;
-- Actions requiring privileges granted by the role

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