1.       Enable the pub/sub processes in the App server so there is a support for Asynchronous services.

2.       Change the default Local Node i.e. HRMS

3.       Configure the PeopleSoft Listening Connector

         This is necessary for a PSFT Appserver to communicate with an Integration gateway.

4.       Configure the PeopleSoft target connector

         This tells the integration Gateway where the Appserver is located.

5.       Service configuration.

          This is required for running web services. It is to identify where the PSListening connector is:

1.       It is used to send messages from one module to another I.e. HRMS TO FSCM

2.       There are up to 6 different server processes that can be configured to support App messaging.

(a)    Pub broker Handler

(b)   Pub broker Dispatcher

(c)    Pub contract Handler

(d)   Pub contract Dispatcher

(e)   Sub contract Handler

(f)     Sub contract Dispatcher

3.       Start all servers I.e.

(a)    App server

(b)   Web server

(c)    Process Scheduler server

4.       Enable pub/sub servers in Psadmin utility

Appserv> psadmin.exe->1,1,4,Y,12,13,1,1, and press enter

After restarting it will show +6 Processes.

5.       Login to PIA I.e. PTOOLS >> IB >> configuration Gateways >> Gateways

Click on search

The gateway URL Syntax is:

http://serverip:httpportno/PSIGW/PeopleSoftListening Connector

url:  http://serverip:8000/PSIGW/PeopleSoftListeningConnector


O/P:  PS Integration Gateway    |    Tools version 8.48.08

          PS Listening Connector      | status active

Click on Load Gateway connectors

MSG: Loading Process was successful & press ok & click on save button


Click on Gateway setup properties Hyperlink

Uid: administrator   pwd: password  & press ‘ok’


Source s/m

Webserverurl                UID           PWD      TOOLS RELEASE               PS              PS            8.48


Target  s/m

MSG NODE NAME           Webserverurl                UID           PWD      TOOLS RELEASE

  PSFT_HR                                  PS              PS            8.48


Click On save button

6.       Do the same in other  system

7.       Whether our configs correct or not to check click on PING NODE

O/P:  Message Text



1.       Config file for IB is

<pshome>/webserv/DN/Application/People Soft/PSIGW/web-INF/

(or) click on Advanced properties page in PIA Gateways.

2.       Six Processes of two types - dispatcher & handlers are paired to produce the messaging servers that transmit Asynchronous messages through out the messaging system.



1.       IB: It is used to send msgs from one module to another.

Communication takes place b/w different PS Application or b/w PS & Third Party systems.


Some of Relevant Components are:

1.       Gateways: Are the pathways b/w systems. There is always a local gateway in PeopleSoft which refers to the source PS System. Other gateway may exists

2.       Messages: The messages are written in XML. There are 2 types of messages

(a)    Synchronous: It needs to be acknowledged by the receiver

(b)   Asynchronous: It doesn’t get acknowledge. In company we use to send Asynchronous messages only

Synchronous messages are not used much in People Soft. Its purpose is Reliability.

3.       Domains: It refer to PeopleSoft App server domains i.e. Tuxedo

4.       Nodes:  It defines what application a message belong to any system that IB can talk to will have a node. It is compulsory & it will check the messages belong to which Application.

5.       Queues: It is used for Administration of IB to avoid stopping everything when something is wrong

6.       Handlers: It contain code and Logic for sending/receiving/manipulating messages.

7.       Routings: It is used to link a service operation to a node & can also specify transformation of a message. 


IB Troubleshooting


Problem 1: Cannot find message in Message Monitor

Possible causes:

1. User does not have security for the message channel.

2. The message monitor criteria have filtered out the message.


Problem 2: Messages are being processed in an incorrect order

Possible cause:

1. The Channel has been partitioned, and the resulting subchannels do not match what was assumed for the ordering of the messages.

Problem 3: Message Instance not created

Possible cause:

1. Message is inactive.

Problem 4: Message Instance stays in NEW status.

Possible cause:

1. The pub/sub servers are not booted.

2. The Message Dispatcher has crashed or has been brought down.

3. The Item is not at the top of the queue. All messages with the same Channel/ Subchannel are in the same queue

4. Run appmsgpurgeall.dms

5. Restart PUBSUB processes

6. Force cleanup from the monitor message -> domain status

7. Test your message by routing it through another channel to make sure that it is not an issue with the channel.

Problem 5: Message Instance stays in STARTED status.

Possible cause:

1. All Message Handlers have crashed or have been brought down. Processing will resume when Message handlers come brought back up

2. The Message dispatcher processing the message is on another machine, and either the machine or the application server domain is down.


Problem 6: Message Instance stays in WORKING status.

Possible cause:

1. Message Handler has crashed.

2. The Message Handler processing the message is on another machine, and either the machine or the application server domain is down. The Message handler working on the message is "blocked". The service will timeout, and the Message Dispatcher will retry the message.


Problem 7: Publication Contract not created

Possible cause:

1. Channel routing rules not set up properly.


Problem 8: Publication Contract stays in NEW status

Possible cause:

1. Publication Dispatcher has crashed or has been brought down.

2. Message Channel paused.

3. Node paused

4. Previous message had a status of RETRY, ERROR, or TIMEOUT.

5. The Publication Contract is not at the top of the queue. All Publication Contracts with the same Channel/ Subchannel and subscribing node are in the same queue


Problem 9: Publication Contract stays in RETRY status

Possible cause:

1. The remote node cannot be "pinged" successfully. The publication contract will be processed when the remote node comes back up.

2. No publication handler available, either because it's crashed or it has been brought down.


Problem 10: Publication Contract stays in WORKING status

Possible cause:

1. The publication handler processing the contract is on another machine and either the machine or the domain is down. Processing should continue when the pub/sub system on the other machine comes back up.


Problem 11: Subscription Contract not created.

Possible causes:

1. Message Subscription is inactive.

2. Channel routing rules not set up properly.


Problem 12: For a message published by the local node, subscription contract not created for local node even when Message Subscription is active and "Invoke for local publication" is checked.

Possible cause:

1. The local node was not included in the routing rules for the channel. To subscribe to its own publications, the local node must be included in the channel routing rules.


Problem 13: Subscription Contract stays in NEW status.

Possible causes:

1. The Subscription Dispatcher has crashed or has been brought down.

2. Message Channel Node or System paused.

3. Message Definition not Active.

4. Previous message had a status of RETRY, ERROR, or TIMEOUT.

5. The Subscription contract is not at the top of the queue. All Subscription Contracts with the same Channel/ Sub-channel and subscription owner are in the same queue.


Problem 14: All publication Contracts remain in a NEW status.

The queue was blocked from a Publication Contact that was in a status of ERROR from two weeks prior. User did not see the error on the message monitor because he was only looking at today. User entered xx day in and the ERROR publication appeared. Canceled the error and all subsequent publication contracts processed successfully.

Problem: Subscription Contract stays in STARTED status.

Possible causes:

1. The Subscription Handler has crashed or has been brought down.


Problem 15: Subscription Contract stays in WORKING status.

Possible causes:

1. The Subscription Handler has crashed or has been brought down. Check in Application Messaging Gateway Administrator

2. Also look for any errors in App Serv Log


Problem 16: Subscription Contract in ERROR status.

Possible causes:

1. Subscription PeopleCode errors

2. Application data errors.


Problem 17: Subscription Contract in TIMEOUT status.

Possible causes:

1. Subscription PeopleCode errors

2. If the message works sometimes, and sometimes does not this may be a problem with the application server configuration. Tune up your application server min/max values, or reconfigure your domain to a medium or large domain. Also, changing the recycle count for these services from 0 to 25,000 or 10,000 may eliminate this problem.


Problem 18: Unable to ping a node.

Possible causes:

1. The web server for the Gateway is down.

2. The Gateway is not configured properly.

3. The app server for the node is down.

4. Verify url is correct. Copy url in browser address, should see "PeopleSoft <tools release> Application Messaging gateway".

(Note: be sure that url in the manage lookup contains // before an ip address or machine name)

NOTE: In PeopleBooks it is stated as "//http://HRMS-01/servlet/psft.pt8.gateway.GatewayServlet"

It should read "http://HRMS-01/servlets/gateway" notice the "//" are missing from the begining and is should read "servlets" not "servlet"


Problem 19: "Access denied, source node not found" message even when source node defined on target database.

Possible cause:

1. Known bug: Message Node caching not working. If a new node is added, reboot appserver.


Problem 20: "Bad Gateway, General Exception error." message when pinging node.

Possible cause:

1. Check Opid/ Password of node on Configuration Servlet page. (http:// ?/servlet/gateway.administration)


Problem 21: "Access denied. Target and source message node password's do not match." message even when no passwords are defined on target and source nodes.

Possible cause:

1. Target application server has entry in Distinguished Name field in source node's message properties.

2. Target URL must be defined with https:// on target node in source application server.


Problem 21.1: "Access denied. No password defined on source message node."

Possible cause:

In 8.1x Source Message Node properties has entries in 'Password' and 'Re- verify Password'.

Solution: Blank these fields and ping the source node it worked fine.


Problem 22: "Page cannot be displayed message when attempting to bring up Gateway or gateway Administration page.

Possible cause:

3. Make sure Apache/ JServ started.

4. Make sure aliases are correct in


Problem 23: Ping failed; Application server log message saying cannot find JVM.

Resolution: The application server was on a different machine as the web server. The Sun JRE 1.2 was downloaded on the web server machine. Sun JRE 1.2 was re-downloaded on the application server machine and the setting JavaVM Shared Library in psappsrv.cfg file was set to point to the location of this JRE.

Problem 24: Service Operation Instance Stays in NEW Status

Ppossible causes are:

1. The domain on which a pub/sub server resides is Inactive.

2. The Application server is down.

3. Pub/sub services are not configured on the Application Server domain. Check the server status via Psadmin to make sure PUBSUB services are running.

4. The Message Dispatcher crashed or was brought down.

5. The item is not at the top of the queue; all service operations with the same queue or subqueue are in the same queue.

6. The node status is in Paused state.

7. Missing data from PSIBPROFILE (Document:1108466.1E-IB:Messages Stuck In New After Tools 8.50 Upgrade)

8. PUBSUB processes in-memory queues got out of sync with the database because of running a purging script without shutting down the app server domain ()

9. Only one domain is configured for PUBSUB services but in the psappsrv.cfg file it is set as a slave domain. The Slave Mode should be set to 0 if not implementing static master/slave.

10. In PT 8.51+ the domain status page shows one active domain and the Slave indicator is Sync Template. There needs to be a master domain. Recreate the domain in PSAdmin.

Problem 25: Service Operation Instance Stays in STARTED Status

Possible causes are:

1. All Message Handlers crashed or were brought down; processing will resume when Message Handlers come back up.

2. The Message dispatcher processing the message is on another machine, and either the machine or the application server domain is down.

3. Application server domain was created using the developer template. Recreate using small, medium or large.

Problem 26: Service Operation Instance Stays in WORKING Status

Possible causes are:

1. Message Broker Handler crashed.

2. The Message Handler processing the message is on another machine, and either the machine or the application server domain is down.

3. The Message Handler working on the message is blocked. The service will time out, and the Message Dispatcher will retry the message.

4. Application server domain was created using the Developer template. Recreate using small, medium or large.

Problem 27: Service Operation Instance Stays in WORKING Status

Possible causes are:

  * Message Broker Handler crashed.

  * The Message Handler processing the message is on another machine, and either the machine or the application server domain is down.

  * The Message Handler working on the message is blocked. The service will time out, and the Message Dispatcher will retry the message.


Problem28: Unable to Ping a Node

Possible causes are:

  * The web server for the Gateway is down.

  * The Gateway is not configured properly.

  * The application server for the node is down.

  * The Gateway URL is incorrect; verify that the URL is correct.

  * Copy URL in browser address; you should see: \\


    PeopleSoft Integration Gateway

    PeopleSoft Listening Connector

    Status: ACTIVE



PeopleSoft Integration Broker's backend tables

PS IB Gateway Tables









IB Routings Tables







IB Services
















IB Queues





IB Message Definitions






IB Nodes







IB Message Schemas




IB Messages














IB Handlers



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