Sample PeopleCode to Invoke Webservices from Command Push Button

You can invoke webservice from a button fieldchange event also .

using &Request = CreateMessage(Operation.serviceoperation_name, %IntBroker_Request);

&msg = CreateMessage(Operation.CONVERSIONRATE);
/* Creating the SOAP Request */
&soapReq = CreateSOAPDoc();
&EnvNode = &soapReq.EnvelopeNode;
&EnvNode.AddAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.webserviceX.NET");
&soapReq.AddMethod("ConversionRate", 1);
&soapReq.AddParm("FromCurrency", "USD");
&soapReq.AddParm("ToCurrency", "CAD");
&xmldoc = &soapReq.XmlDoc;
&res = %IntBroker.SyncRequest(&msg);
&Response = &res.GenXMLString();
&myXML = CreateXmlDoc(&Response);
/* Extract the Results; */
&myRet = &myXML.GetElementsByTagName("ConversionRateResult");
/* Show Result */
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "USD to CAD = " | &myRet [1].nodevalue);

/* all are not required ,take the values from wsdl") */
&EnvNode.AddAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
&EnvNode.AddAttribute("xmlns:xsd", "");
&EnvNode.AddAttribute("xmlns:soap", "");
&EnvNode.AddAttribute("xmlns", "");

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