ePro(Requisitions) Module - Functional Flow


Creating a Requisition

Requisitions consist of four basic elements: headers, lines, schedules, and distributions. Each requisition has one header, which can have multiple lines. Each line can have multiple schedules, and each schedule can have multiple distributions. The schedule defines when and where you want the line items delivered. The distribution defines internal information for the schedule, such as the way in which accounts and departments should be charged for the purchase and the total price each department should pay.

A requisition in Purchasing can have one of five different statuses during its life cycle:

·        Approved

·        Canceled

·        Complete

·        Open

·        Pending Approval

The Requisition page enables you to determine the defaults to use for creating requisitions. This page also enables you to enter item information, modify item lines as needed, establish schedules and distributions, and define internal delivery and accounting information.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Add/Update Requisitions

  1. The Requisitions search page displays.
  2. Enter the Business Unit.
  3. Enter the Requisition ID or leave defaulted at NEXT.
  4. Select the Add button.  
requisitions search page
  1. The Requisition page displays.
  2. The Requester field displays the ID of the person logged into the system and entering the requisition.
  3. Use the Requisition Date field to enter the creation date of the requisition.  The field default value is the current system date, but you can change it.
  4. The Origin field provides information about the origin of the requisition.  ONL means the requisition is being generated online.
  5. The Currency Code field displays the requisition transaction currency.  This value is populated from the Requester Setup page by default.
  6. The value in the Accounting Date field determines the open period or allowable open date range for budget checking a requisition when you are using commitment control.  If the requisition's accounting date falls before or after the open period date range, the system provides a message or warning to prevent you from running budget checking.
  7. Select the Add Comments link to enter comments for a transaction.  You can enter a unique comment or select from predefined standard comments.
  8. Go to the Requisition Line subsection and select the Details tab.  
  9. The Details tab displays.
  10. In the Item field, enter the ID of the item that you want to order.
  11. If the item that you want to order does not have an item ID, you can choose to order the item by description only.  To do this, enter item information in the Description field (locally defined).  
  12. Enter the desired information into the Quantity field.
  13. Enter the Category, if you choose to order the item by description only.
  14. Use the Unit of Measure (UOM) field to enter a default unit of measure for the requisition.
requisition page
  1. Go to Ship To/Due Date tab.  
  2. The Ship To/Due Date tab displays.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Due Date field.
  4. Use the Ship To field to enter the default location to where the supplier will ship the order.  Ship To should default if based on the requester, but can be changed for each line item.
ship to/due date tab
  1. Go to Supplier Information tab.
  2.  The Supplier Information tab displays.
  3. You may get "Supplier item price is not available - use item standard price" message.  If applicable, select the OK button to return to the Supplier Information tab.
  4. Enter the desired Supplier ID.
  5. Select the correct supplier location in the Location field.  Supplier location will default in, but can be changed for each line item.
supplier information tab
  1. Go to the Details tab.
  2. The Details tab displays.
  3. Select the Schedule Icon button to access the Schedule page, where you can view schedule shipment details and distribution information for each line item. 
details tab
  1. The Schedule page displays.
  2. Use the Attention To field to define the person to whom or place where the services or goods are to be. Field displays requester name by default but can be changed. 
  3. Select the Distribution Icon button on right-hand side.
attention to on the schedule page
  1. The Distribution Detail page displays.
  2. Use the Distribute By list to select to distribute by either amount or quantity.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Percent field. The sum of the line distribution percentages must equal 100 percent.
  4. Enter the Distribution (ChartField) details. Use the scroll bar to scroll to the right of the page to enter the valid ChartString(s).  For Project-related ChartStrings, enter the PC Business Unit to access the Project and Activity fields.
Chartfields tab
  1. Fill in the remainder of the Chartfields.
chartfields entry
  1. Back on the left-side of the Distributions page, select the Details tab within the Distributions subsection.
  2. The Details tab displays.
  3. Enter the Location. Location will be defaulted, but can be changed.
Distribution location field
  1. Select the Asset Information tab to add asset information if needed.
  2. Select the OK button.

Use the Asset Information tab to add asset information;

  • AM Unit = Business Unit
  • Profile ID: Use the lookup tool to search for the Profile ID. The Profile ID contains default values for the Asset Class, Type, Subtype, and Threshold ID. It also determines, when this is a capital asset, the useful life of the asset for depreciation purposes. For non-capital assets, the Profile ID should always end with “-SA” to indicate that this is a non-capital asset.
  • The Capitalize checkbox will be automatically checked when a Profile ID is entered.
  • The Cost Type is how PeopleSoft recognizes the proper template for creating the Accounting lines in Asset Management. Select either;
    • G = Governmental, Fund 997, a governmental asset will process a debit to depreciation amortization expense and a credit to allowance for depreciation.
    • P = Proprietary Funds, if not Fund 997.
  1. The Schedule page displays.
  2. Select the Save button. 
Schedule page
  1. The Requisition page displays.
  2. From the Line subsection and on the Details tab, enter the desired information into the Price field. 
  3. Select the Line Comments Icon button to access the Line Comments page. Use that page to maintain line comments. 
  4. Select the Save button.
Requisition page
  1. Notice that the Requisition ID and Requisition Name fields have been updated with the new requisition values.  The Status field displays the requisition status.
  2. Select the Budget Pre-Check icon to the right of "Budget Status". 
  3. Select the tick mark link to the right of the Status field for Submit For Approval.
Requisition number assigned
  1. The process to create a requisition is now complete.  The Requisition is ready to be Approved and Budget Checked. 

Copying a Requisition

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Add/Update Requisitions

  1. The Requisitions search page displays.  
  2. Select Add a New Value tab to create a new value.
    1. If it didn’t populate, enter or select the appropriate business unit in the Business Unit field.
    2. Leave the default value of NEXT in the Requisition ID field.
    3. Select Add.
Requisitions Add a New Value tab
  1. The Requisition page displays.  
  2. Select Copy From.
Requisition page
  1. The Copy Requisition page displays.  Use the Header section to mix and match search criteria to locate a requisition to copy.  Some possibilities include:
    1. Enter or select the Requisition number in the Requisition ID field.  Note:  If an entry is made in this field, there is no value in entering any other search criteria.  Simply proceed to step f -  select Search.
    2. Enter or select a status in Req Status.
    3. To display only those requisitions you created, enter or select your name in either Requester Name or Requester.
    4. To display only those requisitions for a specific supplier, enter or select the supplier in either Supplier ID or Supplier Name.
    5. Enter or select the appropriate department in Department.
    6. Select Search.
Copy Requisition page
  1. The updated Copy Requisition page displays.  
  2. The qualifying requisitions will show in the Requisition section.  
  3. Select the Sel box of the requisition you want to copy.
  4. Select OK.
Copy Requisition page

Note: If you want to preview a requisition before copying it you can select the hyperlinked Requisition ID

  1. The requisition lines from the copy source are copied into your new requisition.
  2. The header information of your requisition is unaffected.
Requisition page
  1. Review the requisition line(s) carefully.  If you copy a requisition line that has a value for Due Date (for example), it might be several years old.  The line might have now-inappropriate comments.  It is your responsibility to ensure the validity of the data.
  2. Add additional lines or remove lines as needed using the Add multiple new rows [ + ] and Delete rows [ - ]buttons at the end of each requisition line.
  3. When finished updating the new requisition, select Save.  
  4. The updated Requisition page displays.  Note that your requisition has been assigned a unique Requisition ID that can be used to identify it.
Requisition page
  1. When you are satisfied with the requisition, submit it for approval by selecting the Submit for Approval icon.
Requisition page
  1. The Status of the Requisition will change from ‘Open’ to ‘Pending’ (approval).
Requisition page

Sourcing a Requisition - Manually

Manually selecting requisitions for sourcing enables you to maintain a finer degree of control over resulting purchase orders (as compared to auto-sourcing requisitions).

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Stage/Source Requests > Requisition Selection 

  1. The Requisition Selection page displays.  Enter Search Criteria:
    1. Enter your Business Unit first (otherwise no other field will display search content).
    2. Configure additional search fields as required to locate your requisition.
    3. Select Search.  The system populates the Select Requisition Lines grid with requisitions that match the criteria you entered.  To perform another search, change the criteria and select Search again.
Sourcing page

The PO Calculations process does not overwrite these purchase order configurations, even if the Consolidate with Other Reqs check box on the requisition is selected.  In addition, you must specify the supplier for the purchase order, as the PO Calculations process does not select a supplier for you.

If selected, the information that you view on the Requisition Selection – Sourcing page is exactly what will be on the purchase order and each requisition line that you source will be on its own purchase order line, even if others exist for the same item.

If you want to use the Define PO Check box, you must select this check box before selecting requisitions for sourcing.  Similarly, if you don’t want to use the Define PO check box, you must clear the check box before selecting requisitions for sourcing.

Note: If a line that you have selected for sourcing on this page has been sourced to a blanket purchase order contract, you will not be able to select the Define PO check box.  Instead, you will receive a message that this option is not valid for the selected line.  This check box only applies to lines that are selected by the Inc field after you select the Define PO check box.

  1. Choose from the following sourcing Selection Options:
    1. Define PO– Select to define purchase orders using the structure of requisitions as they appear on this page, rather than allowing the system to use predefined rules.
    2. All Lines From Req– Select to source all lines from the same requisition.
    3. Check Item Available– Select this check box if you want to be informed that there is available stock for this item and that you have the option to source the selected requisition line.  If there is enough available inventory, the system asks you whether you want to source this request from inventory.  If you select Yes, the system sets the inventory source option accordingly.
    4. PO Item Supplier Option– Select a purchase order supplier option.  This value appears by default.  Possible values are:
      • No Edit Required:  The system does not verify whether selected items are defined for the current supplier on the item-supplier table.
      • Edit Required When Use Item ID:  The system verifies the item-supplier combination only for items with item IDs and not for those ordered by description only.  This value cannot be changed.
      • Edit Required Must Use Item ID:  The system requires item IDs and verifies item-supplier combinations.  This value cannot be changed.
Selection Options section
  1. Use the Sourcing tab in the Selection Requisition Lines section to stage the following purchase order information:
    1. Include– Select to include the requisition line for sourcing. After you select a requisition line, it becomes unavailable for entry. To make any further changes to the requisition line, clear the check box, make the change, and select it again.
    2. Supplier ID– Select the supplier that you want to use on the purchase order. The system stores the last supplier ID, whether entered or loaded from a requisition line. If you include a line without specifying a supplier ID, the system uses the last entered supplier ID as the default. If you include a line without specifying a supplier ID and the stored supplier ID is blank, the system issues an error message. You cannot change the supplier when a contract is specified.
    3. Supplier Location– Select the supplier location used for ordering and determining the pricing location. The priority location appears by default from the item and ship to or from the item supplier.
    4. PO Qty– Displays the purchase order quantity. The quantity appears as a default value from the requisition line.  You can enter a purchase order quantity that exceeds the original requisition open quantity (oversourcing). You can also enter a quantity that is below the original requisition open quantity (partial sourcing), but only when all the requisition schedules for the line are charged by quantity.  Partial sourcing and oversourcing is possible only when the Define PO check box is selected.
    5. PO UOM– Displays the UOM that you want to use on the purchase order. The UOM appears by default from the requisition line. If you are working with an ad hoc item, you can enter any UOM.
    6. Select View Related Links to view details about the item. You can then select to view the item’s availability or substitute items.
    7. Description link – Select to view a description of the item.
    8. Req ID link – Displays the requisition ID to which this requisition line belongs.  Select the link to access additional requisition details.
    9. Line # - Displays the originating requisition line number.
    10. Procurement Card link – Displays the actual value of the procurement card assigned to the requisition.  If no procurement card was assigned to the requisition as of yet it will display Procurement Card.
    11. Select the linked procurement card value to access the Requisition Selection – Procurement Card Information page.  Use this page to override the current procurement card, view the current procurement card information or to assign a procurement card.
    12. Calc Price– Indicates whether the PO Calculations process should recalculate the price or use the price from the requisition.  If set to Y (yes), the PO Calculations process recalculates the price.  If set to N (no), the PO Calculations process uses the price from the requisition.  This option is set to Y and cannot be changed when using an item ID and a contract is specified.  Note:  If set to N, the PO Calculations process does not search for an available contract.
    13. Schedule Split- Indicates that the quantity was partially sourced.
    14. Staging Information link - Select to access the Staging Information page.  The page displays staging information for the requisitions that you selected for staging.
    15. Check for Contract button - Select to have the system search for and use appropriate contracts on manually entered purchase orders.  This enables you to receive contract prices for requisition items and to more accurately track budget, pre-encumbrance balances and control contract leakage.  This can be established at the business unit level.  This button appears when you have selected automatically to default a contract onto a requisition.  Select the Default Contract on Req check box on the Business Unit Option page.

When you select the Check for Contract button, the system searches for manually entered purchase orders and requisitions and ensures that the correct contract is selected for use with the requisition.  After locating possible contracts, the system copies them to transaction lines.  The contract check takes place when the Supplier, Quantity, UOM, Shipto, Item, or Item Description fields are created or changed.  You can override contracts that have been selected by the system using the requisition header.       

Sourcing tab
  1. Use the Requisitions tab on the Selection Requisition Lines section to view details on the original requisitions:
    1. Rq ID link – Select to access the Requisition Details page.
    2. Req Line button – Select to view details about the requisition line.
    3. Req Sched– Displays the schedule line number that includes this requisition line.
    4. Requisition Name– Displays the name assigned to the requisition when it was created.  If you are using eProcurement this value is carried from the eProcurement requisition to the Purchasing requisition. Requisition names assist you in identifying purchase orders associated with eProcurement requisitions.
    5. UOM (unit of measure) – Displays the unit of measure for this requisition line.
    6. Due Date– Displays the shipment due date to populate the requisition schedule.  You define the due date when you create requisition header defaults.
    7. Req Qty (requisition quantity) – Displays the number of items for this requisition line.
    8. Amount Only– Indicates that this requisition line is specified as amount only.
    9. Qty Req St (quantity requested standard) – Quantity ordered expressed in the item standard unit of measure.
    10. %Prc Tol Under (percent price tolerance under) and Price Tol Under (price tolerance under) – The under-percentage and under-amount price tolerance per unit.  This indicates the acceptable range within which the price can fall below that on the created purchase order.  The tolerance appears by default from the Maintain Requisitions – Requisitions page under the Sourcing Controls tab for the requisition.
Requisitiions tab
  1. Use the Change Supplier tab on the Selection Requisition Lines section if you need to make any change to the Supplier:
    1. Change Supplier– Select this check box to activate the Change Supplier link to access the Override Selected Requisition Supplier page, where you can change the supplier on all selected lines simultaneously.
    2. Location– Supplier location used for ordering.
    3. Item– Item ID from the requisition line.  When you order an item that has a valid outstanding contract and the contract supplier is not selected for the line, the system displays a warning.  You can decide to continue the transaction using the non-contract supplier.
    4. Select All– Select this link to include all lines on the page for sourcing.
    5. Clear All– Select this link to clear the selection for all lines on the page.
    6. Split Line– This button becomes available after you change the quantity on a line that you want partially sourced.  Select to insert a new line with the unsourced requisition quantity.  You can source the remaining requisition quantity to different suppliers.
Change Supplier tab
  1. Use the Contract Information tab on the Selection Requisition Lines section if you need to update/change any of the contract information:
    1. Contract Setid– Displays the SetID to which the contract belongs.
    2. Contract Version– Displays the contract version number.  Procurement contract versions refer to the revision of the procurement contract transaction.  Contract versions enable contract administrators to create and maintain multiple versions of a contract in the procurement system.
    3. Contract Line Nbr– Displays the contract line number to which this line item belongs.  Contract line numbers represent each item that is on a contract.
    4. Category Line Number– Displays the contract category line number.  Categories enable you to specify groups of items on a contract, rather than having to enter the items one at a time.
    5. Group ID– Displays the line group ID associated with the contract line number.
    6. Use Contract if Available– Select to apply negotiated prices for purchases and transactions against the contract.  The system searches for purchase order, general, and release-to-single-PO-only contracts.  Batch processing uses a different set of rules and does not automatically apply contract prices to requisitions.
Contact Information tab
  1. Use the Item Substitution tab on the Selection Requisition Lines section, if you need to identify possible item substitutions:
    1. Item ID– This field is available for entry when the requisition line contains an ad hoc item (description only).  This enables the buyer to enter an item ID (when appropriate) based on the ad hoc item description entered by the requester.
    2. Item Description– Displays the type of item.
    3. Original Substituted Item– Displays the original Item ID on a procurement transaction that is being substituted.  After an Original Substituted Item is designated for a procurement transaction, it is carried all the way through to the Receipt and cannot be changed (this is also referred to as ‘Original Item’ in some cases where the Item may or may not have been substituted).
    4. Auto item Substitution– Select to uncheck the ‘Auto Item Substitution’ box on a requisition line when you wish to retain the current Item ID and do not want it automatically substituted during sourcing. Additionally, you will be able to reject a Substitute Item found by Auto Item Substitution on the online Requisition.
Item Substitution tab
  1. Select Save.
Save button

Review and Update Existing Requisition

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Add/Update Requisitions 

  1. The Requisitions search page displays.  Select Find an Existing Value.  Enter search criteria to find the requisition:
    1. If it didn’t default, enter or select the business unit in the Business Unit field.
    2. Enter additional search criteria or enter the Requisition number in the Requisition ID field.
    3. Select Search.
  1. The Requisitions page displays.  
  2. Select the Create Header Change triangle.

FYI - You can access the Change Order button in the following ways:

  • Select the Create Header Change triangle.
  • Select the Details button next to the item number.
  • Select the line Status tab.

Note: If this triangle is not visible, it may be because your status is not approved.

  1. The Requisition page updates and displays "Track Batch" next to the Requisition ID number.  Use the Details section to change/update the requisition line item(s):
    1. As appropriate, update the item quantity in the Quantity field.
    2. As appropriate, update the item price in the Price field.
  2. Select Save.
  1. The message displays that changes have occurred and the requisition schedule has been set to "Out of Balance".
  2. Select OK.
  1. The Reason Code Page displays.  Use it to enter your reason for modifying the requisition. Completion is mandatory.
    1. If it didn’t default, enter or select the reason in the Reason Code field.  Doing so will populate the Comment field.
    2. Select OK.

Use the comment section to add individual details or justification of the change order.

Reason Code page
  1. The updated Requisition page displays.  Note that the Track Batch field now reflects the number of times the Requisition has changed.
Requisition page

Perform Requisition Budget Pre-Check

Note: The requisition must be created and saved before the Budget Pre-Check icon can be seen. Budget Pre-Check Status will be "Not Chk'd" before Pre-Budget Check is run.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Add/Update Requisitions

  1. On the Requisitions search page, select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter Business Unit.
  3. Enter Requisition ID.
  4. Select Search.  The Requisition page will display.
Requisitions search page
  1. On the Requisition page, validate that the Budget Status is "Not Chk'd".
  2. Select the Budget Pre-Check icon in Budget Status. System starts to perform Pre-Budget Check. This process can take 1-2 minutes.
Requisition page
  1. Verify that the Budget Status is now "Prov Valid".
  2. If errors are found, Budget Status shows "Error". Fix the error(s) as needed and try again.
  3. Select Save.
Requisition page
  1. Budget Pre-Check is done successfully. The Requisition is now ready to be submitted for Approval and Budget Check.

Process Requisition Approvals

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Manage Requisition Approvals

  1. The Manage Requisition Approvals search page displays.
  2. Enter search criteria to identify your requisition.
  3. Select Search.
Manage Requisition Approvals search page
  1. The Requisitions section of the page populates.
  2. Select the Req ID of your requisition.
Requisitions section
  1. The Requisition page displays.
  2. Select Approve or Deny.
Requisition page
  1. The Approver Comments window displays.
  2. Enter your comments.
  3. Select Submit.
Approver Comments window
  1. The Approver Comments window disappears.
  2. The Requisition page displays the outcome of your action.
  3. Return to the Manage Requisition Approvals page.
Requisition page
  1. The Manage Requisition Approvals page displays.
  2. Your requisition's Action/Status shows the result of your action.
Manage Requisition Approvals page

Budget checking Requisition in Batch

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Budget Check

  1. The Requisition Budget Check run control ID search page displays.  Enter an existing Run Control ID or select the Add a New Value tab on the Requisition Budget Check page to add a new value.
    1. Enter a meaningful Run Control ID for the accounting entry creation process in the Run Control ID field.
  1. Select Search if you're using an existing run control ID.  Select Add if you're creating a new one.
Requisition Budget Check Add a New Value tab
  1. The Budget Check page displays.  Use it to enter the request parameters. These parameters will be used to define the processing rules and data to be included when the process is run.
    1. Select Always Process.
    2. Enter a short description in the Description field.
    3. Enter or select the appropriate business unit in the Business Unit field.
    4. Additional fields can be used to narrow down the processes from ALL to a specific group of transactions or just one transaction.
    5. Select Run.
Budget Check page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.  Use it to enter or update parameters, such as server name and process output format.
    1. If applicable, use the Server Name drop-down button to select a processing server for the request.

Note: You can leave the Server Name field blank.

  1. Select OK.
Process Scheduler Request page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page disappears.
  2. The updated Budget Check page displays.  Note the Process Instance number.

Note: A Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check its status.

  1. Select Process Monitor.  Refer to the Process Monitor QRG for instructions.
Budget Check page

Reopen Requisition

The Requisition Reopen process reopens requisitions that have been 'Closed' or are showing as 'Complete'.

Running this process returns each requisition status to its status prior to the last run of the Close Requisitions process.  Note this does not mean that running this process reopens each requisition.  If a requisition’s status prior to being closed by the last run of the Close Requisitions process was 'Canceled', running the Requisition Reopen process on the requisition returns its status to 'Canceled'.  If a requisition’s status was 'Open' prior to the Close Requisitions process, running the Requisition Reopen process returns its status to 'Open'.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Reconcile Requisitions > Reopen Requisitions

  1. The Reopen Closed Requisitions search page displays.  Create or Find a Run Control ID.
  2. To create a new Run Control ID, click the Add a New Value tab. Enter the desired Run Control ID and select Add.
  3. Or to Find an existing Run Control ID, select the Find an Existing Value tab. Search and select a Run Control ID previously created.
  1. The Reopen Requisitions page will display. Enter or update the parameters.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Last Close Requisitions Run: reverses the effects of the Close Requisitions process on the most recently processed group of requisitions
    • Select Requisitions to be Reopened to select a specific document.

Note:  Skip to Step 9 if the Last Close Requisitions Run option is selected.

  1. Select Specific Document from drop down menu for Reopen Request.
  2. Enter the Business Unit.
  3. Enter the Requisition ID. This can be left blank if reopening requisition by Activity Dates or Requester.
  4. You may select Accounting Date Option based on your requirement.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request page will display.
Reopen Requisitions page
  1. On the Process Scheduler Request page, select the OK button.  The Reopen Requisition page will display.
Process Instance
  1. On the Reopen Requisition page, notice that the Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check the status.
  2. Select the Process Monitor link.  The Process Monitor page will display.
  3. On the Process List tab, select the Refresh button until the Run Status is Success and the Distribution Status is Posted.
Process List tab

  1. To view the reopened requisition, navigate to Purchasing>Requisitions>Add/Update Requisitions and search for the Requisition.
  2. The Requisition status displays the last status of the requisition when it was closed.  Budget status shows as Not Chk’d.
  3. Update the requisition as needed. The Requisition is ready to be Approved (if needed) and Budget Checked.

Submit Requisitions for Approval

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisition > Add/Update Requisitions 

  1. The Requisitions search page displays.  
  2. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  3. Enter the Business Unit.
  4. Enter an existing Requisition ID.
  5. Select the Search button.
Requisitions search page
  1. The Maintain Requisitions page displays.
  2. Select the Submit For Approval icon that looks like a box with a green checkmark.
Maintain Requisitions page
  1. The Status will change from Open to Pending and the Submit for Approval button will go away.
  2. Select the View Approvals link to preview approval workflow.
Pending approval status
  1. You have successfully submitted a requisition for approval.

Adding a Supplier

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier

  1. The Supplier Information search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
  1. When you add a new supplier, the system prompts you to enter a supplier ID, which is the primary key to the supplier tables. The supplier ID is a unique identifier that you can use to locate specific supplier information.
    • Depending on how you set up your autonumbering defaults on the Supplier Set Control page, you enter either you own unique supplier ID or let the system assign one for you. Each supplier belonging to a SetID must have a unique number as its supplier ID.
    • If you have enabled autonumbering, the supplier ID appears as "NEXT" on the search page. The system assigns a sequential ID number after you enter the supplier information and save the page.  
    • Use the Persistence list to select a persistence level for this supplier. Values are: "One Time", "Permanent", "Regular", and "Single Payment Supplier".
    • If you specify a persistence level of "Single Payment Supplier" when you add a new supplier, the first page in the Supplier Information component that you enter is the Single Payment Supplier page.
    • If you are creating a "One Time", "Permanent" or "Regular" supplier, you first access the Identifying Information page.
  1. Select Add.
Supplier Information Add a New Value tab
  1. The Identifying Information tab displays.
  2. Enter identifying information for a supplier. This information includes the supplier name and short name, classification, status, persistence, withholding and VAT eligibility, relationships with other suppliers, duplicate invoice checking settings, and additional identifying elements required for reporting to governmental agencies. Use the Supplier Short Name field to provide an alternate search key to access supplier data. The system enables you to assign the same supplier short name to multiple suppliers, and it makes the short name unique by appending a numeric value to the end. For example, if you enter the supplier short name "SMITH", when you save, the system makes the short name "SMITH-001". If you ever have another supplier for whom you want to use "SMITH" as the short name, the system enters "SMITH-002", and so on.
  1. Enter the desired information into the Supplier Short Name field.
  2. Use the Supplier Name fields to enter the supplier's name. There are two lines for the supplier name in case you're dealing with divisions, subsidiaries, or other complex organization entities that require detailed identification.  Enter the desired information into the Supplier Name field.
  1. Use the Supplier Status list to select the supplier's status. Values are:
    • Approved: If you have authority to approve suppliers as defined in your procurement user preferences, the system automatically assigns a status of "Approved" to the supplier. The system does not recognize a supplier as approved unless an authorized payables or purchasing user enters or approves it.
    • Inactive: You cannot enter new vouchers for this supplier.
    • To Archive: You cannot enter new vouchers for this supplier; the supplier is purged from the system.
    • Unapproved: If you do not have the authority to approve suppliers as defined in your procurement user preferences, another user needs to approve the supplier before users can enter vouchers into the system for this supplier.
  2. Use the Classification list to select the supplier's classification. Values are:
    • Attorney: Indicates that the supplier is an attorney.  
    • Employee: Assign this classification to suppliers only if they are college personnel.
    • HRMS (human resources management system): Indicates that the supplier is a third-party supplier from the ctcLink Human Capital Management (HCM) system, such as an insurance carrier or taxing authority. Selecting this value activates the HCM Class field.
    • Supplier: Most are suppliers.
  3. Use the Persistence list to select the supplier's persistence. Values are:
    • One-Time: Select for suppliers you know you will use only once. You can enter only one voucher for this supplier, after which the supplier status changes to "Inactive" automatically. A one-time supplier is different from a single payment supplier in that a one-time supplier adds rows to the supplier tables. A single payment supplier does not affect supplier tables and is used as the default master supplier for single payment vouchers.
    • Permanent: Select for suppliers you know your organization will always use, even if not on a frequent basis. You can create an unlimited number of vouchers for this supplier. The supplier is not purged from the system unless you specifically request that they be archived in a supplier archive request.  
    • Regular: Select for a supplier only if you don't mind that it is removed from the system after activity for the supplier stops for a designated period. You can create an unlimited number of vouchers for this supplier. However, if there is no activity for the supplier by the as-of date in a supplier archive request, the supplier is purged from the system.
  4. Use the VAT Registration option when entering VAT-applicable suppliers, to activate the RegistrationVAT Default, and VAT Service Treatment Setup links. This option appears only if the Display VAT Flag option on the Supplier Set Control page is selected.
  1. When entering withholding or 1099 suppliers, select the Withholding option to enable withholding for the supplier. You specify withholding options on the Withholding Supplier Information page.
    • While the Withholding option and the Withholding Supplier Information page are available to you to make updates after you have defined your suppliers, the most efficient way to handle withholding suppliers is to make sure that you mark them as withholding when you first enter them. If you do, all vouchers that you enter for withholding suppliers are automatically flagged for withholding reporting as you enter them into the system.
  1. Select the Open For Ordering option to certify the supplier for purchasing goods and services. If this option is clear, you cannot enter purchase orders (POs) for this supplier in ctcLink Purchasing.
  2. Select the Corporate Supplier option and Corporate Supplier ID field to associate the supplier that you are creating with a corporate supplier.
  3. Select the InterUnit Supplier option and InterUnit Supplier ID field to identify this supplier as an interunit supplier.
  4. Select the Create Bill To Customer option if you want the system automatically to create a bill-to customer upon saving the supplier. The bill-to customer is created with default information.
  5. Select the Create Bill To Customer option.
  6. Enter the desired information into the Support Team Code field.
  7. Enter the desired information in the Collector field.
  8. Enter the desired information into the Credit Analyst field.
  1. After the bill-to customer is successfully created, the Create Bill-To Customer group box no longer appears on the page.
  1. Select the Bill-To Customer Details link to modify the bill-to customer. This link is located under the Additional ID Numbers region of this page. Also use this region to enter information-only additional identifiers for the supplier. The data here is not used for processing, but may be required for reporting purposes.
  2. Use the Duplicate Invoice Settings region to enter duplicate invoice checking parameters. The options in the Duplicate Invoice Settings region are the same as those defined in the Payables Options component. In the Payables Options component, you define these options for the business units sharing a SetID; here, you define them for the supplier.
  3. Use the Government Classifications region to enter government classifications required for reporting by some U.S. organizations. In the U.S., companies report information about the classification of suppliers with whom they do business to the government; they are also sometimes required to report similar information to their customers. Suppliers receive certain classifications of certification, for example "Small Business - Hispanic Woman Owned" from various government sources.
  4. Use the Standard Industry Codes region to enter standard industry classification (SIC) codes required for reporting by some governments.
    • Depending on your organization's reporting requirements, you can apply SIC codes here for the supplier or on the Location page for a supplier location. The information that you enter for the supplier location is informational only. The data is not used elsewhere in the system. The information you enter for the supplier, however, is used for U.S. government compliance reporting. If you are not doing government reporting, you may chose to define these numbers at the supplier location only.
    • You can supply multiple types of industry codes for the same supplier. For example, a standard USA SIC code and a North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code can be defined for the same supplier. You can also supply multiple SIC codes for the same SIC type.
  5. Use the Additional Reporting Elements region to enter supplier information required for Federal Procurement Data Systems reporting.
  1. Next, access the Address page to enter details about the supplier's address. Select the Address tab.
Identifying Information tab

Use the Address tab to specify one or more addresses for the supplier. You can enter multiple addresses for the different sites that a supplier might have.

  1. Enter the desired information into the Description field.
  2. Use the Effective Date field to specify the date from which this address is valid. It defaults to the current system date; however, you can override this, if necessary.
  3. Use the Country field to select the supplier's country. After you select a country, the appropriate address form appears.  Depending on the country that you select, the form of the address field varies. Enter all fields that are necessary for the country that you select.
  4. Enter the desired information into the Address 1 field.
  5. Enter the desired information into the City field.
  6. Enter the desired information into the State field.
  7. Enter the desired information into the Postal field.
  8. Use the Email ID field to enter the supplier's email  address. This is the address that the email application engine process uses when you select the dispatch method of email in ctcLink Purchasing.  Multiple email addresses can be entered in the Email ID field, but they must be separated by semicolons.
  9. Use the Payment/Withholding Alt Names (payment and withholding alternate names) section to specify alternate names for the supplier that can be used for payment and withholding purposes. When the system generates payments for the location that uses this address, it uses the alternate name information on the payment forms. Likewise, if you specify an alternate withholding name, the system uses this name on withholding reports instead of the name that you specified on the Identifying Information page. This function is useful if a supplier wants to conduct business under another name. For example, Alvarez Consulting may be the supplier, but may want to receive payments or report withholdings under the name of Jose Alvarez.
  10. Use the Phone Information group box to enter phone information for the supplier.
  11. Use the Type list to select the type of phone number (cellular, business, fax, home, pager).
  12. Enter Type = "Business Phone".
  13. Enter Prefix.
  14. Enter the desired information into the Telephone field.
  15. Enter the desired information into the Extension field.
  16.  Next, access the Contacts tab to specify the details of the contact person.  Select the Contacts tab.
Address tab
  1. Use the Contacts tab to enter information about the people whom you contact on a regular basis, so that you can easily determine whom to contact if you have questions and can discern why a contact might want to talk to you, before you return the contact's call.
  2. The Contact ID field displays the contact ID number. When you add a new supplier contact, the system automatically increments the supplier contact's number in this field.
  3. Enter the desired information into the Description field.
  4. The Effective Date field specifies the date from which this contact is valid. This date defaults to the current system date, but can be changed if needed.
  5. Use the Type list to select the type of contact (such as Management or Sales) to define the contact's role.
  6.  Enter the desired information into the Name field.
  7. Use the Address field to select an address for the contact from one of the addresses that you entered on the Address page. This enables you to associate different addresses with each contact.
  8. After you select an address for the contact, the system displays the associated phone numbers for that address in the Phone Information group box. The system will copy over all of the address phone numbers when there is no existing phone number defined for the contact. If there are existing phone numbers for the contact, the system will prompt you to confirm if you want to override the existing entries and copy the new address phone numbers into this contact phone list.
  9. Enter the desired information into the Address field.
  10. Use the View Internet Address link to open a new browser window that shows the website.
  11. Use the Email ID field to enter the contact's email address. Multiple email addresses can be entered in this field, but they must  be separated by semicolons.
  12. Enter the desired information into the Email ID field.
  13. Finally, access the Location tab to specify location details for the new supplier.  Select the Location tab.
Contacts tab
  1. Use the Location tab to enter one or more locations for the supplier. Each supplier must have one default location, but can also have multiple locations, including an invoicing from, remit to, and return to location. Enter identifying information and VAT information for each supplier location.
  2. If you have more than one location, add additional locations by selecting the Add a New Row [+] icon in the Location section.
  3. Use the Add a New Row [+] icon in the Details section to update information for each location.  Location information is effective-dated.
  4. Use the Location field to enter an identifier for this location. This field enables you to differentiate supplier locations, if you have more than one.
  5. Enter the desired information into the Location field.
  6. Use the Default option to select the default location. Only one location can be the default location. Information for the default location appears by default on all the vouchers for the supplier, but you can change the location on the voucher when necessary.
  7. Enter the desired information into the Description field.
  8. Select the RTV Fees link to access the Supplier's RTV Fees page, where you can enter RTV fee information for this supplier.
  9. Use the Effective Date field to enter the date from which this location is valid. This field defaults to the current system date; however, you can change the effective date to a past or present date, if necessary.
  10. Select the Payables link to access the Payables Options page, where you can define invoicing and remitting addresses, payment options, matching and approval options, EFT options, self-billed invoice options, supplier bank account information, supplier type options, and (USA only) HIPAA information.
  11. Select the Procurement link to access the Procurement Options page, where you can define purchasing process information and return to vendor options.
  12. Select the Sales/Use Tax link to access the Tax Options page, where you can define SUT options for the supplier location.
  13. Select the Global/1099 Withholding link to access the Withholding Supplier Information page, where you can specify withholding options for the supplier location.
  14. Use the Additional ID Numbers region to enter additional identifiers for the supplier location.  These fields are the same as those found on the Identifying Information page. Enter ID numbers here to override those entered on the Identifying Information page for the supplier header.
  15. Use the Comments region to enter any comments you have about the supplier.
  16. Use the Internet Address region to enter URLs and descriptions for the supplier's websites. Select the Open URL link in this region to open an URL in your browser.
  17. Use the VAT region to enter VAT options for VAT-applicable supplier locations. VAT options for the supplier location override those for the supplier.
  18. Select the Custom tab.
Location tab
  1. Use the Custom tab to create user-definable supplier fields that can be used in custom reports and queries. There are ten predefined 30-character alphanumeric customizable fields.
  2. Select Save.
Custom tab
  1. Process complete.

Closing a Requisition

Conditions to qualify a Requisition to be Closed

PO Status:  The close process verifies that the purchase orders to which the requisition lines are sourced have a Completed status.

Close Days: The close process verifies that the number of close days defined for the requisition PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit have elapsed.

Note:  The Close Days field is configured on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Definition page and specifies the number of days beyond a requisition's last activity date during which the requisition cannot be closed. The close days value creates a grace period during which you can change the requisition before the requisition closes. If you leave the Close Days field blank, the system uses zero close days.

Cancel Days: The value for the Cancel Days field works in the same way as the value for the Close Days field, but for canceled requisitions. The close process does not change the line status from Canceled to Complete. However, it does change the header status to Complete. The requisition line status remains Canceled so that you can distinguish canceled lines from closed lines.

Activity Date: The Close Requisitions process adds criteria, such as close days and cancel days, to the last modified date and time on the requisition Activity Log page. Then the process compares the resulting date to the Close Requisitions process run date (current date) to determine whether it can close the requisition.

Distribution Line Status: The close process verifies that the requisition distribution line status is set to X (canceled) or P (processed). A requisition has a status of P after it is sourced to a purchase order.  

Close Requisitions using the Requester's Workbench

Use the Requester’s Workbench to close a single requisition or to select multiple requisitions to close at the same time. The Requester’s Workbench provides details if a requisition is not eligible to be closed (unlike the Close Requisitions batch process). To setup your Requester's Workbench, please see QRG 9.2 Using Requester's Workbench.

Note: The Requester’s Workbench can also be used approve/unapprove, update, cancel, and inquire about requisitions.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Requisitions > Requester’s Workbench

  1. The Requester’s Workbench - Filter Options page displays.
  2. Click on Search to find an existing Run Control ID.
  3. Or, add a new Run Control ID by clicking on the Add a New Value tab. Input a Workbench ID, then click Add.
  1. The Requester's Workbench Filter Options page will open. Enter search criteria and select Search.

Use the Search Criteria fields to refine your search or leave blank for all values.

  1. The Requester’s Workbench page will open and requisitions will be listed based on the search parameters.
  2. If a new Run Control ID was added, enter a description in the *Description field as this is a required field.
  1. Options are available that will produce various details;
    • Clicking on the Requisition ID number will open the Requisition Inquiry screen so that requisition details can be reviewed.
    • Clicking on the Document Status icon will open the Document Status screen which will list any associated documents (purchase orders, receipts, vouchers, and payments).
    • To select requisitions, check the box next to the requisition number. Select All or Clear All options are available if needed.
  1. The following Action buttons are available if not 'grayed-out';
    • Approve - Click this button to change the status of the selected requisitions to Approved.
    • Unapprove - Click this button to change the status of the selected requisitions to Open.
    • Cancel - Click to cancel the selected requisitions.
    • Close - Select to close the selected requisitions from further processing.
    • Budget Check - Click to initiate the budget check process for the selected requisitions. When you click the Budget Check button, the Processing Results page appears. Use this page to review the selected requisitions and select to proceed with processing.
    • Budget Pre-Check - Click to check the budget only. This button enables you to check whether a budget exists for a requisition before the amount is committed to the pre-encumbrance and makes it possible to validate documents in work-in-progress mode without affecting budget balances. The statuses of Provisionally Valid or Error on the transaction pages indicate whether a budget is available.

The Action buttons availability is based on the user’s User Preferences-Requisition Authorization settings.

  1. The Go To options at the bottom of the screen, provide access to the following:
    • Set filter options - Click to return to the Requester’s Workbench - Filter Options page to modify the search parameters.
    • View Processing Results - Click to access the Requester’s Workbench - Processing Results page, where you can view the results of the actions that you have performed.
    • Save - Click the button to save the search criteria that generated the list of requisitions on the Requester’s Workbench page.
  1. After the selections have been made (example below lists Requisition ID 497 selected) select the Close button to close the selected requisitions from further processing and navigate to the results screen.
  1. The Requester's Workbench Processing Results page displays.
  2. 'Not Qualified' and 'Qualified' box will display.
    • If the requisition is listed in the Qualified box, click on the Proceed (Yes) button. A message will display asking whether to continue with the close process. Click Yes to continue or choose No to cancel.  
    • OR If the requisition is listed in the Not Qualified box, click the Log icon next to the requisition number to view why the requisition was not qualified for close.

Requisitions with this message can be overridden and closed:

  • The requisition may not be closed because it has not been fully sourced.

Requisitions with either of these messages cannot be overridden and closed:

  • The Requisition is associated with a Purchase Order that has not been closed.
  • Cannot close REQ with unchecked or error budget status on header
  • The requisition is on Hold from Further Processing.

Note: You can override unqualified requisitions and make them available for closing, by selecting the requisition ID and clicking the Override button. To give a user the authority to override non-qualified requisitions, click the Override Non-Qualified requisitions for Close check box on the User Preferences - Procurement: Requisition Authorizations page.

  1. After the close process completes, the Requester’s Workbench will reappear. The status of the qualified requisitions should read Complete.
  2. Next run the Budget Check process. The closed requisition will remain selected.
  3. Click on the Budget Check button to run a final budget check.
  4. The Processing Results screen will display and the closed requisition will be listed in the Qualified box.  Click on Proceed Yes.  
  5. A message will display asking whether to continue with the budget check requisitions process, click Yes to proceed or No to cancel. The final budget check will liquidate any remaining Pre-Encumbrance.

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