PeopleSoft BI Publisher in depth


In RTF Template we need to write below tag of code for dynamic Image Field.

<fo:instream-foreign-object content-type=”image/jpg”>
<xsl:value-of select=”.//A.EMPLOYEE_PHOTO”/>

App packages used for generating BIP report using peoplecode.

import PSXP_XMLGEN:RowSetDS;

Import the application package and instantiate


&oXML = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn("Report Definition name");

Set the data source


Set the destination information

   /* set file path only for file output type - other types use default temporary location */

   If %OutDestType = 2 Then /* file */

      &oXML.BurstValueAsOutSubDir = False;


      &oXML.OutDestination = %FilePath;


Process the report

/* Process Report */

&oXML.ProcessReport("", "", %Date, "");

/* save to clear think time functions */



&ReportFileName = &oXML.ID | "." | Lower(&oXML.GetOutDestFormatString(2));

&ReportFilePath = &oXML.OutDestination | &sDirSep | "RptInst" | &sDirSep | &ReportFileName;

Publish the report to the user’s preference

   /* publish */

   If %OutDestType = 6 Then /* Web */

      &oXML.Publish("", "", "", STATE_RCD_AET.PROCESS_INSTANCE);


      If %OutDestType = 3 Then /* Printer */



         If %OutDestType = 5 Then /* Email */

            &bResult = &oXML.EmailOutput(STATE_RCD_AET.PROCESS_INSTANCE);




*Note: In order for the PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn.OutDestination class property to populate, the “psxp_usedefaultoutdestination” property on the report definition must be set to “True”

Bi Publisher Output

The delivered application package contains several options for presenting the report:

1. Send to the PeopleSoft Report Repository:

&XML_PUB_Object.Publish(&sServerName, &reportPath, &sFolderName, &processInstanceId);

2. Send the report to a printer:

&XML_PUB_Object.PrintOutput(&DestPrinter As string);

3. Send the report to a new popup window (shown above)


4. Mail the report

If running from the Process Scheduler (Batch) the EmailOutput() uses data from the Run Control parameters to email the report

&XML_PUB_Object.EmailOutput (ProcessInstanceID)

If Interactive on a page, the following code sends the resultant BI Publisher report to the email address or addresses contained the “&MAIL_TO” string.


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