PeopleCode OriginalValue and PriorValue


This a useful property of a field class if you want to revert the changes or compare with the previous value of the field.

&Value = RECORD.FIELD.OriginalValue;

This statement always returns the value of the field in the database at that particular point of time. For the same reason, this property will not work for derived records.
Say my field has value “FIRST” in the database and I change it to “SECOND” and save it. Let us analyze the return value at various point of time.

n  Component Loaded & value not yet changed.
&Value = RECORD.FIELD.OriginalValue; /* Returns FIRST */
&Value = RECORD.FIELD.Value;/* Returns FIRST */

n  After  changing the value to SECOND & before saving
&Value = RECORD.FIELD.OriginalValue; /* Returns FIRST */
&Value = RECORD.FIELD.Value;/* Returns SECOND */

n  After saving the changes
&Value = RECORD.FIELD.OriginalValue; /* Returns SECOND */
&Value = RECORD.FIELD.Value;/* Returns SECOND */

This function can be used to compare the value with previous value and do some complex functionality. It is, if the change in amount field is more than 10%, then trigger the workflow.
Another use case will be to revert the changes back if some criteria is not met.

Well this is quite useful, but if the field is a derived work record field, this property will not work at all. PriorValue() is a lifesaver here.


Although it is similar to OriginalValue, there is a notable difference. This always returns the value in the buffer just before the change.

Let me explain it. Suppose the value in data base is FIRST and after that I changes the value in the below pattern.


Now if I execute Original value, it will return FIRST where as PriorValue will return THIRD (the value just before the last change)

&Value = RECORD.FIELD.OriginalValue; /* Returns FIRST */
&Value = RECORD.FIELD.Value;/* Returns FOURTH*/ 
&Value = PriorValue(RECORD.FIELD); /* Returns THIRD */

The advantage is that you can use this function for a derived record also as the value is fetched from buffer and not from database.

Note:- There are two restrictions for usage of PriorValue to work correctly.

1.       It should be placed in FieldChange or FieldEdit events
2.       It  should be placed in the same record field event. For example if the record field is JOURNAL.JOURNAL_ID.  Then the code should be placed in either JOURNAL.JOURNAL_ID.FieldEdit or JOURNAL.JOURNAL_ID.FieldChange.

In all other cases PriorValue() will return the current value of field instead of prior value.

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